
Halal Watch World affiliates with The Seed of Life

We sat down with Riswana Kadernani from The Seed of Life to find out more about the organization and its foundation. 
1. What is The Seed of Life Foundation? What does it do?

The Seed of Life Foundation is a nonprofit organization based out of Chicago, USA. We educate on the importance of adopting an environmentally consciousness lifestyle; educate children by providing virtual education and plant trees globally.

2. Why and how did you come across this kind of concept?

How SOL (The Seed of Life Foundation) came to be is very personal to me. I was actually going through personal hardships and had fallen into a deep depression. There didn’t seem to be any light, and I felt really alone. People who I had trusted deeply and relied on in my life, even they had changed and I felt all alone. I understand Allah (SWT) tests whom He Loves. But it surely didn’t seem like that. I was extremely hurt; my prayers were neither aligned nor attentive and I was losing myself. 

I researched what to do, especially as a Muslim. Most common responses online were talk to an imam, sheikh, or such individuals. Pray Salah or read Qur’an. Have Sabr. I was like seriously, isn’t there something I can change or do? 

Then I researched as what people usually do when they go through darkness in life and I realized the responses were:

  1. Volunteer in senior homes or poor homes
  2. Visit funerals to realize the reality of death
  3. Spend time with orphans and individuals 
  4. Give tons of charity i.e. time, monetary, resources
  5. Take care of animals
  6. Upkeep and take care of Earth

Whatever I learned and looked them up in Qur’an and it was evident is list is in Qur’an, but we humans never pay attention, do we? 

I love nature and as I got few friends together and SOL took place, and we came to learn taking care of Earth, planting trees and spreading knowledge is all part of Sunnah. Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) loved that and strongly encouraged these actions. 

Alhamdulillah, I realized happiness isn’t about what we want and get, but rather giving others what we want for ourselves. 

3. What is your vision for SOL and what do you aim to achieve?

Our vision is to spread knowledge and educate as many people as possible regarding environmental effects. There is too much information within [sic] our fingertips, thanks to the internet and various social media platforms, but unfortunately equally the information that is bombarded to us on daily basis, majority isn’t fact checked, which creates wrong or misinformation. 

We have come across a lot of people that lack basic information regarding the environment, climate, nature and ecosystems. But during Covid-19, during lockdown, everyone was forced to see the results. 

We would like to make this world greener for future generations, so they don’t face lockdowns, unknown illnesses, freedom restrictions, and most of all, that they are able to breath [sic] fresh air. 

Our aim is to make sure every single person, regardless of faith, should have at least one tree planted on their behalf. 

As a Muslim, planting tree is highly recommended as it is an act of Sunnah itself. Anas (RA) reported that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

 “If the Hour (the day of Resurrection) is about to be established and one of you was holding a palm shoot, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it.” (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

“If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a sadaqah (charitable gift) for him.” — Imam Bukhari.

4. Why is planting trees important to the environment? And what are the benefits?

I guess I illustrated that in question #3, but I would like to add, since Covid-19, taking care of our own Earth isn’t an option now, but rather an urgency to change our habits such as less consummation [sic] of materialistically [sic], limit or stop use of plastic, don’t litter the environment or beaches, complete [sic] stop to deforestation and poaching. Many people don’t realize trees and animals are the reason human beings are still alive, but without these two factors, [sic] human race is going to end. 

5. How is your organization helping people?

We have many projects and events that we are currently working on.

  1. We are working to team up with schools globally to add curriculum “School Garden” which teaches students to garden, plant, and take care of nature; all hands-on.

                              i.     We teamed with 100 schools all underprivileged in Africa to train, educate, and start ‘School Garden’ in [sic] the premises. 

                              ii.     Children will have hands-on education

                              iii.     It creates jobs within the community, resources, and food.

  1. We have started the ‘Plant a Tree, Educate One Child Campaign, that help’s [sic] give each child a tree to him/her self to plant, take care of and study.
  2. We are also working with similar aspects in India, but due to Covid-19 that country, respectfully is complete [sic] lockdown at this moment
  3. We have started the ‘Virtual Reality Planting Education’ program that informally teaches children the importance about [sic] planting trees and taking care of nature, using virtual platforms within their own homes.
6. How can people get in touch and what can they do to assist?

We are, Alhumdullillah, on many online platforms and consistently updating them on daily basis:


We kindly ask, to start taking initiative by taking small steps for better future. Be it by educating yourself the importance of nature, adopting or planting trees, even be in your backyard, take a walk in the nature, or if you cannot do anything, then please gift the trees to loved ones. It will be Sadaqah, it will give hope, it will leave a legacy. 


Each and every one can make a difference, as long as they take the initiative.