We find ourselves in the blessed month of Ramadan and we thank Allah for allowing us the favor of witnessing another Ramadan. Ramadan is a month of increase; an increase in daily worship, of blessings, and in our consciousness of Allah. In the Quran, Allah enjoins believers to remind each other ‘for indeed reminders benefit the believers’ (55;51). This article will consist of a compilation of reminders so that we may express gratitude for the favors that our Lord has bestowed upon us.
A marathon, not a sprint
As we approach the last few days of Ramadan, we may find ourselves losing momentum and realize that our level of productivity was not what it once was during the first few days. This isn’t something to be ashamed of and we can still make the most of every moment of this precious month. If we are feeling emotions of despair, we need to keep in mind that Ramadan is a marathon and not a sprint. Instead of going full force at the beginning of Ramadan which subsequently leads to burnout, it is more appropriate that we assess our own capacity and work with that. It’s better that we manage our expectations and achieve something considerate each day as opposed to doing nothing.
Allah’s Messenger ( ﷺ ) said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.” (sahih Bukhari 6464)
Managing your time
“You should not neglect your time or use it haphazardly; on the contrary, you should bring yourself to account, structure your litanies and other practices during each day and night, and assign to each period a fixed and specific function. This is how to bring out the spiritual blessing (barakah) in each period. But if you leave yourself adrift, aimlessly wandering as cattle do, not knowing how to occupy yourself at every moment, your time will be lost…”
– Imam Al-Ghazali”
In the above quote, Imam Al-Ghazali reflects on the importance of time and how to use it optimally. We should take heed of our time, more so in Ramadan, so that we may not be like the cattle who are ‘aimlessly wandering.’ Time is our most valuable commodity, yet we spend it as if it were an infinite resource. Moreover, time in Ramadan is of an even greater significance. To better understand this, consider the value of your time during a semester of school as you near the examination period. Usually, during normal term time, many don’t have structured study timetables and wander through lecture halls aimlessly. However, closer to the exams, we wake up and structure our day in the way that we can achieve academic success. In the same way we structure our schooling, similarly, we should account for our time in Ramadan and plan ahead. It’s important that we account for rest, prayers, reciting Quran, and family-time. Ordinary acts performed in the day can easily become acts of worship by pronouncing the name of Allah over it. By remembering Allah we gain His blessings and pleasure.
Giving charity
When we give charity, there are many benefits involved, not only for those on the receiving end but for the one giving as well. To list a few of benefits, giving charity extinguishes our sins, we may find ourselves increasing in gratitude, and it may also assist us in curbing our desire for this world.
We’re living in unprecedented times and many people, and sometimes our own family, are in need of some form of aid, even if they don’t give voice to their needs.
Salman ibn ‘Amir reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, charity given to the poor has one reward, and charity given to family has two rewards: one for charity and one for upholding family ties.”
Charity does not always have to be monetary; smiling or helping others according to your capacity are also forms of charity. Remember to perform every form of charity with excellence.
Eating well
In Ramadan, it’s easy to over indulge in food. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with eating good food, we should try to be moderate and eat nutritious foods. We spend a large portion of the day foregoing food, therefore our bodies require proper nourishment. In addition, cooking food, as well as eating it, can become acts of worship by simply invoking the name of Allah. It’s beneficial to note that Ramadan is a month of fasting, not feasting.
Increasing time with the Quran
The Quran was revealed in Ramadan and it’s referred to as ‘the month of the Quran’. We should endeavour to recite more of the Quran so that we may strengthen our relationship with our Lord. Reading and reflecting on a verse or two has the potential to change your life. Whilst reciting Quran is a form of worship within itself, we need to take time to reflect as well. One way to gain an understanding of the Quran is through the many online Quran classes being offered by various institutions. Take advantage of the resources that you have at your disposal so that you may come closer to the Book of Allah.
Before Ramadan draws to a close, take some time out to reflect. Reflect on what you have achieved, on your original aspirations, and reflect on what you want to take out from this month so that you may implement it into the rest of your life.
May Allah accept all our efforts.
Halal Watch World would like to wish you and your loved ones a blessed Ramadan and a Joyous Eid, In Shaa Allah .
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Glenmont, NY, 12077