
Halal Meets Beauty

Halal Meets Beauty: Mora Cosmetics' Triumph in Achieving Halal Certification

A Year-Long Journey with Halal Watch World Culminates in a Landmark Achievement for Inclusive Cosmetics

halal certification

Minara El-Rahman with Mora Cosmetics product

A beacon in the cosmetics world has just shone a little brighter: Mora Cosmetics, after a rigorous year-long journey, has successfully completed the Halal certification process, a testament to their dedication to ethics and excellence. With Halal Watch World’s unwavering commitment in ensuring that no pork product, animal derivatives, alcohols, or anything deemed as najis (filth), this feat signifies a landmark achievement in the beauty industry.

In a world where cosmetics meets ethics, Minara El-Rahman of Mora Cosmetics emerges as a trailblazer, bridging the gap between faith and beauty. We recently had the privilege of speaking with Minara, exploring the heart and soul of Mora Cosmetics and the profound significance of their halal journey.

Opening our conversation, Minara described the essence of her journey with Mora Cosmetics. She recounted, “The journey started when I was actually a young girl… I just always would try the latest and greatest and I would never really see myself reflected in the marketing materials for these beauty companies… as a young person to not see yourself reflected in marketing campaigns, really kind of makes you motivated to be the first.”

Beyond representation, Minara emphasized the importance of halal practices in beauty. She reflected, “And as a practicing Muslim, it was important to me to always consume halal products.” This curiosity expanded to cosmetics, leading her to wonder, “Why am I not using something that I know is either vegan or halal?”

Yet the road to success was peppered with challenges. Being a hijabi founder, Minara grappled with unique hurdles, sharing, “As a woman who wears a hijab, I think that people kind of view you in a different light… And so I would find that when I would reach out to even vendors or laboratories… I wasn’t being taken seriously.”

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Minara El-Rahman with Cheif Creative Officer Jasmine Dayal

On the ethos of Mora Cosmetics, Minara remarked, “So for me, I don’t want to do anything unless I do it with excellence… We know that in our faith, there’s this concept known as Ihsan, which is excellence.” This is reflective in their efforts in gaining the Halal certification, proving their commitment not just in words, but in tangible actions. On their decision to pursue the certification, Minara emphasized, “While we can always say that we are halal, having that certification gives the customer the peace of mind of knowing that we have gone through the rigorous work that needed to be done on the back end to ensure that the products… are indeed halal.”

Minara expressed her broader vision for Mora Cosmetics, emphasizing inclusivity and representation, “For us, we want to make our products as inclusive as possible… but we also wanted to introduce Halal.” The Muslim community, she revealed, has shown great support: “I think that the Muslim community has been very welcoming… And now that we can announce that we’re Halal Certified, I feel like there will be even more support behind the brand.”

With a commitment to the environment, sustainability, and ethics, Minara believes in making informed choices: “People, when they actually do the research… they’ll know that it’s clean and sustainable. It may be a little bit more money but it’s worth the investment.” Ending with a note on their social responsibility, Minara concluded, “We always make sure that we invest in charities with our profits. We always make sure that we’re doing everything with the right intention.”

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Through their partnership with Halal Watch World and their unwavering commitment to excellence, Mora Cosmetics sets a precedent in the world of beauty. As we look ahead, it’s evident that with brands like Mora leading the way, the beauty industry is poised for an ethical revolution.

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