
Readying in Rajab for Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is more near than we may think!

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The month of Rajab has recently commenced and as the prophetic dua states:


‘…When the prophet (SAWS) sighted the moon of Rajab he (SAWS) would make the following dua: Oh Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha’baan and make us reach Ramadhaan” (Shu’abul-Imaan & Ibnus Sunni).

From this dua, one can see not only the importance of Ramadhaan, but also the two months preceding it, namely Rajab and Sha’baan.

Why is there emphasis placed on preparing for Ramadhaan two months in advance? To understand this better we first have to understand the importance of Ramadhaan.

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Ramadhaan is like an oasis in a desert. You can only move forward in this desert and you might not reach another oasis, so naturally, you would want to take as much provision from it as possible. Now, we’ve all been in the last few days of Ramadhaan thinking of how much time we wasted and vowing to ourselves that next year we’d be better. The next year rolled around and the pattern repeated itself, at least for me it did. This is where the importance is placed in preparing for Ramadhaan in Rajab. If you need more convincing, look at the masaajids in the first few nights of Ramadhaan and look again two weeks later. Like athletes training to do well, similarly, we need to train to do well (for Allah) in Ramadhaan.


Essentially, preparing for Ramadhaan you have to be honest with yourself. Make a list of your goals for the month, whether it be leaving bad habits or beginning good ones. Writing it down makes it more serious to yourself. An important point to remember is that nothing changes overnight, just as you cannot change yourself overnight. That being said, people who make drastic changes and begin in an overzealous way, tend to fall off the bandwagon faster than others. Don’t go too big too soon, as you might have put too much on your plate. In a week, or even a few days, you’ll end up doing nothing at all. The goal is to start small and grow from there. You know yourself best. This is why a good time to start preparing is in Rajab as it gives us time to grow.


When you decide to do a good deed then give yourself a minimum every day. Perhaps you would like to read the Quran more regularly or make istighfaar daily? Tell yourself, no matter what, you’ll read the Quran for at least 5 minutes a day or seek forgiveness 10 times a day. Set your own minimum, so that on days you feel like doing more then you may do so. On other days, make sure you don’t go less than that. Always try and remember the saying of the Prophet SAWS:


“Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

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Minimizing screen time

Screen time is a time killer and cutting it down or out is a good way to begin that spiritual cleanse. Make it a family resolution and replace it with an activity that brings the family together. If cutting it out completely is too difficult, then at least replace the series and movies with Islamic videos and make your screen time your deen time in shaa Allah.



If you’re struggling to pray then know you are not alone. Try being with people who pray regularly and by association, you’ll adopt their habits. Plan your day around prayers to make it easier for you and always try to remain in a state of wudhu as this can make it easier for you.


Constant thikr

We lead such busy lives. Taking time out to be in the remembrance of Allah is proving to be more and more difficult. Try to take advantage of the downtime you may have and make thikr by invoking the praises of Allah, salawaat upon the prophet (SAWS), and seeking His forgiveness. Do this on your downtime, such as, while in traffic, taking a walking or doing anything around the house. Make your time work for you!

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Reciting Quran

Set yourself a daily quota of the Quran. Whether it be reciting, memorizing or even reflecting on its beautiful meanings. Make an effort to bring the Quran into your life and see the change it can make in shaa Allah.


Practicing the sunnah

Learn one sunnah of the prophet (SAW) and implement it. Once you have properly implemented it, move on to the next sunnah. He (SAW) is the best of creation and learning his way can make us the best version of ourselves and not only is that a benefit to us, but so too, others as well.


These are merely tips you can follow and adopt into your lifestyle. There are many other things we may do to ready ourselves in Rajab for Ramadhaan. The important thing is that we realize we need to prepare. Whenever your preparation seems difficult, try and have the end in mind and remember the following words:


“Rajab is the month to sow the seeds; Shaban is to irrigate the crop; and Ramadan is the month to reap the harvest”


May Allah accept from us all in shaa Allah.