
35 years

of Excellent Service!

We have helped halal businesses for over 30 years, and have garnered the trust and respect of halal consumers the world over.

What are Our History

In the mid 1980’s, Imam Umar began to recognize a need in the United States of America for Halal service transparency. So, he put pen to paper, and published the first of many newsletters, titled “Halal Watch”, informing the public of Halal industry happenings. As his investigations and audience grew, he became aware of an underserved group of Muslim prison inmates and began to fight for their unheard voices.

After many lawsuits, and hard-fought battles, not only were Halal products made available, but the Halal Food Consumer Protection Law was passed in light of his efforts. This was uncharted territory for US Muslim consumers, and served as the catalyst for 9 other such laws being passed throughout America. Thus, Halal Watch World was born out of the reality that Muslim consumers ought to know what they are actually consuming, and should be protected from those incompatible products.

halal certification
halal certification


Our members have extensive qualifications, and hold degrees from some of the top universities in the world, including, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Darul Ulum Al Arabia Al Islamia (CPT), Darul Ulum Azadville (JHB), Darun Na’im Institute of Islamic Higher Education (CPT), and The School of Islamic and Social Sciences (VA). We have collaborated with organizations across the globe and have been instrumental in implementing Halal legislation in 10 states. This includes New Jerseys Halal Food Consumer Protection Law (2000), and the New York State Halal Foods Protection Act.

Our Legal Status
Legal Filings: Halal Watch World holds registered trademark number 4728733, and Department Of State (New York) number 4814343. Halal Watch World is also a registered halal certifying organization with The Department of Agriculture and Markets of New York State.

Mission & Values
Halal Watch World has been involved in the Halal certification industry since 1990. Muslims of today are generally not aware of what they are consuming, even if the product says Halal. Halal Watch World was born out of the understanding that people ought to know what they are really consuming. Our service to the Muslim community helps protect our constituents by making the halal certification process more transparent.

Our Team

Founder: Imam Umar
is an accomplished author of 7 books, founder of the National Association of Muslim Chaplains, (now the AMC), and a decorated academic. He completed his Masters at The School of Islamic and Social Sciences. He proposed and helped pass the halal enforcement law in the state of New Jersey and subsequently, in 9 other states.

CEO & President: Imam Mansoor Rafiq Umar
 is a B.A. graduate of the Darul Na’im Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies seminary of South Africa. He has studied under various scholars of theology and Islamic legal theory, such as Mln Taha Karaan, and Sheikh Mokhtar Magroui. He is the chaplain Imam for the University at Albany (SUNY Albany). He has also authored the Halal Integrity Protection Standards (HIPS) for the United States Department of Halal Standards.

Board of Directors: Imam Abdulkadir Elmi
Imam Abdulkadir Elmi obtained a Bachelor degree from Afgoye Agricultural College in Somalia. He received his Master degree of Science from Montana State University, and a Ph.D from the University of Arkansas in Agriculture.

Board of Directors: Muhammad Umar
Muhammad is a seasoned Organizational Effectiveness professional with 19 years of management consulting and industry experience. He currently serves as the Senior Director of Diversity Inclusion and Belonging, Talent & Culture at Nordstrom.

Director of Operations: Darweesh Muhammad
Darweesh Muhammad has a BSc. in Engineering from the University of Cape Town, South Africa and is a graduate in Arabic and Islamic Sciences from Darun Na’im Institute, South Africa.

Outreach Coordinator: Khalafallah Osman
is a B.A. graduate in Political Science with concentration in public law from the University at Albany. He has a minor in Business Administration and is fluent in Arabic for translations.

Food Science Specialist: Salih Holmes
is a culinary arts graduate, and a certified SafeServ Food Safety Manager.

halal certification